Feb 29, 2016

Primary Elections Are Tuesday, March 1

Primary Elections Are Tuesday, March 1

The Democratic and Republican primary elections are on Tuesday statewide in Texas.  For voters in Voting Precinct 1, the polling place is the Hart Golden Group building from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Karen Barnes will serve as election judge.

On the ballot are candidates for the President of the U.S. Democratic candidates are Hillary Clinton, Rocky De La Fuente, Star Locke, Keith Judd, Willie Wilson, Calvis Hawes, Martin O’Malley (suspended his campaign) and Bernie Sanders. (Names are listed in order as appear on ballot.)

There are three candidates for Railroad Commissioner on the Democratic ticket:  Grady Yarbrough, Cody Garrett and Lon Burnam.

There is one candidate each for Justices of the State Supreme Court and Judges of the Court of Criminal Appeals.

Paul Ramirez of Hart is running unopposed on the Democratic ticket for County Commissioner, Precinct 1.

There are six referenda on the Democratic ballot:

1.) Deals with economic security and prosperity, including passage of the Paycheck Fariness Act to ensure equal pay for equal work, guaranteeing paid family leave to care for a child or ill loved one, fully funding public neighborhood schools and making a debt-free community college education a reality for hardworking students.

2.)  Should the Texas Legislature and the U.S. Congress pass criminal justice reform legislation that ensures equal justice throughout our society without respect to race, socioeconomic status, geographic location or other factors unrelated to behavior?

3.) Should the Texas Legislature and the U.S. Congress encourage the transition to renewable, non-polluting energy as a means to slow down climate change and its impact on the planet.?

4.) Should the U.S. Congress pass the new Voting Rights Advancement Act to protect all American voters?

5.) Should the Texas Legislature allow each public institution of higher education (not only private universities) to opt out of the ability to carry guns on campus?

6.) Should the U.S. Congress pass a just and fair comprehensive immigration reform solution that includes an earned path to citizenship for law-abiding immigrants and their children, keeps families together, protects DREAMers and provides workforce solutions for businesses?

There are (were) 13 Presidential candidates on the GOP ballot, including Donald Trump, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. There is also a Uncommitted option, which is required by the State Republican party, allowing voters to vote for Uncommitted if they don’t like their options.

There are nine candidates for U.S. Representative, District 19, the position now held by the retiring Randy Neugebauer. Among those running are Jodey Arrington, former Plainview resident, and Lubbock Mayor Glen Robertson.

Locally, Shalyn Hamlin is running unopposed for the County Attorney position. Also unopposed is Sheriff Sal Rivera.

Sheryl Brown, Pamala Rickert, Elaine Kern and Candi Rodriguez are running for the County Tax Assessor-Collector’s position now held by Rickert.

Elaine Davis Flynt, current appointed County Treasurer, is running unopposed for the same seat. She was appointed to replace Kristen Yorton.

Precinct 1 Commissioner race includes Rod Hales and Justi Bradley.

John W. Kropp is running for Constable. There is no one occupying the Constable’s position since the death last year of Ray Aleman. A source tells The Pulse the County Commissioners aren’t inclined to fill the position as well as providing a vehicle, as has been the case. Sheriff Sal Rivera said that he considering asking for another field deputy, and some of those deputy’s duties would be to serve civil papers, which is what a Constable does.

There are four propositions on the ballot.

1.) Texas should replace the property tax system with an alternative other than an income tax and require voter approval to increase the overall tax burden.

2.) Texas cities and counties should be required to comply with federal immigration laws or be penalized by loss of state funds.

3.) Texas should prohibit governmental entities from collecting dues for labor unions through deductions from public employee paychecks.

4.) Texas and its citizens should strongly assert 10th Amendment Rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution which states “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”