Jan 28, 2015

Emotional Healing

Here is a fact we must learn to be emotionally free: The external reality of life can never be separated from the internal reality. The universe, God , is friendly toward all but this is only realized when we internally absorb and trust in this friendliness. You see, what you are internally, is reflected back to us by the external world. The universe is your mirror by which you can see the state of your soul if you will accept it. The Universe was created by Divine Spirit or Consciousness. We too are spirit or consciousness and our consciousness comes from God. We are connected to God and we can become aware of it if we accept it and trust it. We too are co-creators with God. We create the content of our internal consciousness and that creates the content of our external world.

We always reap what we sow. It is one of God’s inexorable laws. So negative energy like anger, resentment, judging is always destructive to our internal well being and our external well being. Friendly, loving people find themselves part of a friendly, loving universe. Angry, resentful, judging people find themselves in a hell of a mess. Their lives are full of destructive emotional turbulence.

Emotional turbulence is a great barrier to the fulfillment of our hopes, dreams, desires, intentions. It destroys our chance at helpful miracles in our lives and our chance to receive God’s message to us. We need to hear Jesus say what he did to the raging storm on Lake Galilee, “Peace, be still!” We can change our negative energy into a higher level of consciousness, of awareness of Spirit.

Hearing Jesus say within us , “Peace be still!” can drop the melodrama, hysteria, resentment, grievances, hostility and guilt from our lives. We can become free of self importance, self concern, self pity. We can laugh at at ourselves. We can see the humor in life. We can build humorous, playful , nurturing relationships. We murkily cloud our potential to experience the Spirit, the Divine within us, with our ego which has some good uses as a warning system of possible danger but it is inadequate to lead us through life because it is selfish. We can only trust Spirit to lead us successfully through life. Prayer, meditation and study are the main tools for us to use in finding the spirit of God within us and following it. Only by following Spirit instead of ego do we learn how to look at ourselves honestly in the mirrors of the universe and by listening to the Spirit within, correct ourselves. This brings emotional healing.

Here is a mirroring experience. Carol Riley was a most beautiful golden haired blond with classic blue eyes in the sixth grade. She was vivacious and smart. But I did not like her because she talked at machine gun rapidity so much. Amongst the girls she claimed me for her boy friend. I responded by rudely telling her I wanted no part of that. My mother told me sternly that it was an honor for someone to like you and a boy should never treat any girl that way. She said, “You don’t have to be her boyfriend but you have to be friendly!”

Later one of my teachers gave a talk in class about how what we strongly disliked in others was our own worst fault and we were afraid to admit it. This literally tore my guts up for some time because all who know me know that I love to talk. By grace and admitting my fault I have a great deal of emotional healing on this and other matters. Now, I talk even more than I ever have and enjoy it more; I just pause and listen to others when its their turn and I do not condemn anybody else or judge them for their talking. I am at peace with my own personality. We all can achieve peace if we will look with open hearts into the mirrors of the universe, especially the mirrors of other people who are actually us. They just appear differently.

Emotional freedom brings psychological and spiritual freedom also. Pain and pleasure are the two main emotions of life. We love what brings us pleasure. We fear what brings us pain. We want to get closer to what is pleasurable and move away from what is painful.

Emotional freedom is balance in life. Life is like being on a river. The left bank is pain and the right bank is pleasure. Get too close to the bank of pleasure and you will be hindered, slowed, or snagged on your life journey. Stay close to the bank of pleasure too much and you become addicted to things that bring you pleasure such as certain kinds of relationships (boss, pastor, lover,etc), money, sex, power, drugs, alcohol, things. All addiction is ego centered and destructive.

The same is true if you get too close to the bank of pain. Too much pain darkens all the enjoyment of life.

The emotionally free way to make the journey of life is to stay in the powerful middle of the river, handling pain and becoming stronger, enjoying pleasure but never becoming addicted to things of pleasure. May our hearts listen to the voice of Spirit within us saying Jesus’ words, “Peace, be still!”