Oct 21, 2015

One Source

One Source By Alvin Petty Nearly 5,000 years ago ancient wise men of India...

Jul 12, 2015

Who Is The Real Jesus?

By Alvin Petty For the full story SUBSCRIBE to the online edition of The...

May 25, 2015

Conversion Arises From Within

Conversion Arises From Within By Alvin Petty In the classic work, The...

Apr 26, 2015

#19, How To Pray Without Ceasing

#19, How to Pray Without Ceasing By Alvin Petty, retired area minister I...

Feb 4, 2015

Real Religious Living

Jesus said in Matthew 22: 37-40, “You shall love the Lord your God with all...

Jan 28, 2015

Emotional Healing

Here is a fact we must learn to be emotionally free: The external reality of...